We the Christian family of Blakely First Methodist Church are called of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to provide an environment of acceptance and unconditional love through worship, fellowship, teaching and service that equip us to make disciples by sharing our faith and ministering to the needs of others.

news and events

  • Worship with us!

    Sunday Morning

    9:00 AM  - Lift Contemporary Service - Fellowship Hall

    9:00 AM  - Kingdom Kids

    9:50 AM  - Fellowship in the Friendship Hall

    10:00 AM - Sunday School

    11:00 AM - Traditional Service - Sanctuary

    07:00 PM - Youth

    *A Nursery is provided for all services.

    Wednesday Night

    5:00 PM - Kingdom Kids / Xtreme

    5:30 PM - Bible Study - Parlor

    6:30 PM - Family Night Supper

    7:00 PM - Youth - Youth House

    7:00 PM - Choir Practice

  • Young at heart

    October 16, 2024 @ 11am

    Join Young At Heart in the Friendship Hall on the third Wednesday of every month. This is a time of fellowship for older adults who are still young at heart. During this time, you will enjoy a covered dish lunch, visit with others, enjoy a short program or play a game.

    At this particular event The Health Department will be giving flu shots.

    Please Call Gina (229)254-2303 or Mary Lee (601-953-3872) 

    to RSVP by Noon October 14th


    October 27, 2024 @ 9 & 11am Service

    Join a Ministry

  •                                       Trunk or treat

    Wednesday October 30, 2024 @ 5:30pm

    Join us for a fun filled night of fellowship & laughter.

    This is open to all Kingdom Kids and the community, so invite everyone!

    Church Family: Contact the church office to register your trunk or learn other ways to contribute to this church and community event.

  • next joint service

    Sunday, November 10th at 10:30am

    Veterans Day Program

  • Kingdom kids live nativity

    Wednesday, December 11th

    Kingdom Kids is looking to do a live nativity this year for Christmas and are asking classes/groups or individual members interested in helping organize this event to please contact the church office.


Even a casual reader of the Gospel of John will most likely identify one of its key themes: Light vs. Darkness.  God and the things of God are illuminated with divine light.  Satan, evil, and worldly things slink about in utter darkness.  John begins this pattern in the very beginning.  Chapter 1, verse 4 says: “Everything that was created received its life from Him, and His life gave LIGHT to everyone.  The light keeps shining in the darkness, and darkness has never put it out.  Then, toward the end of his Gospel, John tells us the story of the gathering in the Upper Room, at Mary’s house.  He writes: “Judas took a piece of bread and went out.  And it was dark.

     Now, we might assume that John was describing daytime vs. nighttime.  And I believe he was.  However, I also believe that John was using nightfall as a literary devise to describe Judas’ heart.  How dark must one be to betray the best thing that has ever happened to you?  How dark must your thinking be when turning against one of your best friends appears to be your best option?   As I’ve wrestled with Judas’ behavior over the years, I can’t escape the feeling in my soul that Judas was in a very dark place.  In fact, Luke tells us: “Then, Satan entered into the heart of Judas.  Judas had gone to a very dark place, a place where he no longer thought properly or acted with integrity.  It was dark!

     When I consider the dark places in my own life, I’m greatly troubled.  I learned very early in my walk with Christ that no one wants to see all the clutter I carry around – the scars of my sins and shortcomings, the pain of unrealized dreams, the strain of broken relationships, etc.!  I learned to wear the mask, to hide my pain, to stuff it in the closet where it is dark, and no one can see it.  And once hidden away, I could go about my “Christian Life,” pretending it wasn’t there, and it wasn’t dark.  But when you’ve hidden things away, then you have to protect the hiding place so that no one happens upon it unawares.  And that binds you to the dark place and limits your freedom.

     Freedom!  That’s a word, isn’t it?  That word means so much to us because of our national heritage.  But for Christians, it means even more.  It’s much deeper than our rights as citizens of the USA.  Christian Freedom is began – not in darkness, but – in the light.  Christian freedom began – not on a cross, but – in an empty tomb.  Since the grave couldn’t hold our Lord, since He came forth in dazzling light, the dark closet no longer holds us.  We need not be protective of that dark place; we merely need to open the door so that others can see what we already know.  We are forgiven!  We are cleansed!  We no longer walk in darkness, but in the light. O thanks be to God who gives us the victory of sin and darkness through Jesus Christ our Lord.

                                                                                                                Pastor Tucker